Rich Swanson and Ric Durr founded The Swanson Group in 1998 based on a mutual commitment of sharing their deep knowledge, experience, creativity, passion, contacts, and leadership abilities with clients across the U.S. to drive sustainable business results by effectively aligning their strategies to current and future business goals.

We are experts in understanding the challenges manufacturing companies and retailers are confronted with. Since 1998, we have helped translate these challenges into solutions, enabling organizations to build to compete not only today, but also tomorrow. Every day we strive to improve ourselves, our clients and retailer’s businesses with our eyes trained on each step of the way to reaching the summit.

What TSG brings to the table

A partnership built on respect and integrity
A team with manufacturer and retailer side experience
Thorough, meaningful collaboration
Tailored services designed for your needs
National and Private Label expertise
Extensive category experience and understanding

Our team

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